First of all, Gigi is pronounced with a "guh" sounding G. "Gee Gee", like Pee Pee but with a "guh".
Ruby (now 4) first fell in love with Gigi when she was brought home from the hospital. We believe that his vibrant (back then anyway) color orange had something to do with it. When Ruby was 10 months old she said "Gigi" declaring that as his name. Mommy and daddy had to come up with a quick way to spell it when they had to spell it out so that Ruby didn't know when he was missing. Gigi seemed to be the shortest and most chic of spellings.
Although Gigi is a TY brand Koala bear (no longer produced), Ruby has always insisted that he is a lion. Gigi is a He. He goes with her everywhere however when she is at school he stays home. He has charisma, he is her best friend, and she believes that he is a real person. We cannot deny her a best friend and he has given us many a good nights sleep while watching over her. He is a part of our family and he deserves a website of his very own. In fact he hopes to have his very own little book someday. If you are in the book biz, give his publicist a ring.
"Gigi was a little shy of changing his clock because he made his Ruby do it. So funny- couldn't believe it."- direct quote from Ruby on changing the clocks forward one hour Gigi is excited for spring.
Just too cute!